Monday, September 14, 2015


This weekend has sure been a taste of Fall ~ hope everyone is ready to pull out your albums and projects and get back to some scrapbooking (or working on other projects) now that summer is winding down and the kids (and some of you) are back in school!

Our big Fall Crop, Croptoberfest is Saturday, 9/26/15 from 9am – 9pm. Stephanie and I are again going with the philosophy that less is more with the focus being on your photos and fun! The fee is once again only $15 (instead of $25) and we are not doing any games, raffles or prizes. You will have PLENTY of space to work, the use of a Cricut or two, free Wi-Fi at RMH, and assorted refreshments and meals….
We will include some light breakfast munchies for the morning. For lunch we are again planning a salad bar and thought it would be fun if everyone would bring an item or two to put out – be as traditional or creative as you like. We will provide some of the basics to get it started and let you all do the rest. For our evening meal we will try a pasta bar to change things up a bit. We will provide a pasta (or two), a red sauce and meatballs. You all can bring other items such as sauces (white, cheese), meats (sausage, diced ham), vegies (mushrooms, black beans, onions, broccoli) and cheeses etc. Again you can be as traditional or creative as you like. We will have other assorted snacks and munchies and you are welcome to bring something else to put out if you like. We will have a Keurig and a water boiler there so coffee, tea and hot chocolate will be available all day. As usual, we are asking everyone to bring a beverage to share – feel free to bring your favorite pop, juice or even tea bags or K-Cups. Stephanie and I will provide the plates, cups, and plastic ware.

Be sure to RSVP as soon as you know you are joining us since space is limited and so we can get final event details to you! As of right now, it looks like we are ½ - 2/3 full depending on what the maybes decide. 

Mark your calendars for my last two regular Saturday Crops at Robinson, 10/24/15 & 11/21/15 from 10am-6pm (or perhaps a bit later). They will both be here before you know it! For all Regular Saturday crops at RMH there is a $10 fee per person or bring a friend and you can both work for $15. (Your fee includes PLENTY of space to work, free Wi-Fi at RMH, and assorted refreshments. Please bring a snack and beverage to share and join the fun! Be sure to RSVP so I can have a seat waiting for you, space is limited.)

Let me know if you want to know the specials or discount codes for Shutterfly, Cricut, or any of the other companies listed here on my blog. (Please be sure to click through from my links here each time you order. I’m not taking time to add them to this so I can get it sent tonight yet.)

Don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions on anything. Hope to see you soon!
~ Have a great day ~


Monday, June 22, 2015

It's officially summer and my second Summer Camp at Hiram College (July 11 - July 12) will be here soon! Be sure to register ASAP ~ we have been upgraded to one of the new dorms this time, East Hall, and I am not sure yet how many seats will be available. Some of the perks to this dorm ~ it is air conditioned and the rooms are in Suites that include a kitchenette complete with a fridge and microwave! More information on times and pricing can be found on the Crops & Retreats tab here or email me for a registration form. (Note: I have a slightly revised form from the one I have sent out in the past.) I'm looking forward to this and third Summer Camp, August 1 - August 2. (I am not sure yet where we will be for the 3rd one, stay tuned.) Be sure to mark your calendars and register early to save your seat!

I have signed up as a CM Advisor with the all new (and I think improved) CM. They have a variety of the old CM products available now and are bringing others back. I've heard there will be a new straight trimmer that will use a replacement blade that will work in the old, blue trimmer - to replace the much requested, yellow blades! They listen to us and respond, it really is refreshing. You already can get CCS replacement blades in all three colors, red, blue and green as well as the mat and one shape. The Border Maker System is back with a new cartridge, there is a personal trimmer, bookcloth albums, pages/protectors, PicFolio style albums and refills and more! You can browse everything currently available at my link 

As always, let me know if you want to know the specials or discount codes for Shutterfly, Cricut, or any of the other companies listed here on my blog. They always have something going on. Please be sure to click through from my links here each time you order too. (Sponsored post)

~Have a great day!~


Thursday, April 16, 2015

It's time to Scrapbook

Happy Spring!

I hope everyone has survived the long winter and is ready to pull out your albums and projects and get back to some scrapbooking!

The first crop of the year will be our NSD Crop at RMH on May 9th from 9am – 9pm. Stephanie and I have decided less is more this year and the focus will be on your photos and fun! The fee is only $15 (instead of $25) and we are not doing any games, raffles or prizes. You will have PLENTY of space to work, the use of a Cricut or two, assorted refreshments and meals. We will include some light breakfast munchies for the morning. For lunch we are planning a salad bar and thought it would be fun if everyone would bring an item to put out – be as traditional or creative as you like. For our evening meal we will order pizza. As always, Stephanie will have her Keurig out - until about dinner time. I will have my water boiler there so tea and hot chocolate will be available all day. As usual, we are asking everyone to bring a beverage to share – feel free to bring your favorite pop, juice or even tea bags or K-Cups. (Stephanie and I will provide the plates, cups, and plastic ware.) Be sure to RSVP since space is limited and so we can get final event details to you! (Card Makers are also welcome.)

In the Summer I once again have three Summer Camps planned at Hiram College – all three in Fenton which is the ‘normal’ room where we like to be. These are no-frills, get-a-lot-done, fun-filled social events. Everyone will have their own table to set up, spread out and leave everything for the entire time. We will all bring food and beverages to share for the weekend to keep costs low. The registration form is available by request or is on the Crop and Retreat page here – one form works for all three this year. (I am trying to keep things as simple as possible.) Go ahead and register for whatever you know you can attend for sure and let me know if any are maybes. (You don't have to register for all three at once, you can do them one at a time.) The dates are 6/13/15 8am – 6/14/15 8pm, 7/11/15 8am – 7/12/15 8pm, and 8/1/15 8am – 8/2/15 8pm; pricing and details are on the registration form.

Mark your calendars for our Croptoberfest Crop @ RMH 9/26/15 from 9am-9pm, followed by two regular Saturday Crops 10/24/15 & 11/21/15 both from 10am-6pm. As always, you can see the current list of crops on the Crops and Retreats page right here.

Hope to see you in May and don’t forget to RSVP as soon as you know you are joining us – seats are limited! Let me know if you need discounts or codes for Shutterfly, Cricut or any of the other companies listed here on my blog and I’ll get you the current deals. 

~ Have a great day ~
