Monday, July 25, 2016

Summer Camp Crop ~ 8/13/16 9am – 8/14/16 6pm, Travelers Woods Masonic Campground, 11922 Brosius Rd, Garrettsville, OH 
It's time to plan for our August Summer Camp! Pull out your albums, pictures and projects and plan on a fun day/weekend, catch up with friends or make new ones. Please RSVP/Register by email/text/Facebook Event ASAP if you will be attending, what days and if you are planning on camping. The registration form with a bit more info is available by request. (Campers please advise if you will need a tent or camper spot.) 

CM has a variety of new items again this month including a new Border Maker Cartridge, new paper collections and now Black Refill Pages!! You can see everything on my website:  
Cricut has the following July promotions for Free Shipping and 10% Off Savings:
Cricut’s July mystery box is full of cartridges and new materials and is a great savings - it's a $124.94 value for only $29.99! Don't miss the Cricut July Mystery Box

Here are a few codes to save on prints and other items, links provided to make it easy!

*This contains affiliate links and I will be compensated if you make a purchase after clicking on some of my links.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

It's Spring and that means it's time to start scrapbooking! Join me 4/2/16 at 10:00 am for my first crop this year - pull out your albums, pictures and projects and plan on a fun day. There is a $10 fee per person or bring a friend and you can both work for $15. Your fee includes plenty of space to work, free wifi, and assorted refreshments. Please bring a snack and beverage to share and join the fun, catch up with friends or make new ones. I will have my Cricut available, feel free to bring your cartridges and a mat if you have one. Be sure to RSVP so I know how many to plan for, space is also limited. We should be in the same room - RMAB 150 in UH Portage Medical Arts Building (Robinson) unless the hospital needs the room. As always, card makers are also welcome.

Now is the time to start planning what you are going to work on...print pictures, get paper and stickers planned. Do you need any supplies like tape runner/refills? Pages and protectors? Ready to start a new album? I have some inventory still, let me know what you need and I might have it, otherwise shop my website, there is still time for your order to be delivered before our crop.

I have updated the Crop & Retreat Schedule tab here with the crops so far this year. Be sure to mark your calendars for the next crop at the hospital, our NSD Crop on 5/7/16 also starting at 10:00 am.

Hope to see you on April 2nd! Happy Easter and don't forget to take pictures.
